Tuesday, October 25, 2011

{Book Review} Earthen Vessels by Matthew Lee Anderson

Earthen Vessels, by Matthew Lee Anderson, explores man's tendency to ignore (or even hate) his own body in preference of the mind and soul. The thesis of this book is to explain "why our bodies matter to our faith," why the physical, not just the spiritual, is important. He looks at the physical body through various aspects: how our body is shaped by the world around us, the body and the church, tattooing our body, and the body's sexuality and mortality.

This book was very interesting. I would not recommend it for light reading though. It reads almost like a doctoral thesis. Of course, I naturally couldn't wait to read the "juicy" chapters to see his opinions on "controversial" topics. For the most part, Anderson tried to express facts without telling the reader his opinion on a subject - for example tattoos. For a person who is a Christian or is familiar with the Christian faith, there really is not anything surprising in this book. I did find it interesting, and yes, I agree that for the most part Christians don't really focus on the body to the extent the author does, but I also don't know that he really brings any new or profound information to the table.

Earthen Vessels is currently available on Amazon for $10.94 (27% off).

Thank you to Bethany House Publishing for providing my review sample!  No other compensation was received in exchange for this review.  Opinions are honest; review by my hubby. 

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  1. Thanks for reading it, and for the review. Having read a few doctoral dissertations, I assure you this book is about as far from one as you can get. : )

    That said, if you or any of your readers are interested, I am making myself available for discussions with any small groups that read the book. http://www.mereorthodoxy.com/earthen-vessels/author-meets-critics-sessions/



  2. Thanks for stopping by, Matt! Appreciate your comment. My hubby actually read the book and wrote the review - I just asked him about his comment about a thesis, and he said he found your book to be a very "intellectual read." Such things are usually a little over my head, but I am curious to read it for myself now! :)

  3. No problem! I really do enjoy interacting with readers, so it's a pleasure.

    That said, one of my goals was definitely to challenge people, and that seems to have succeeded. : ) But if you do end up reading it yourself, let me know what you think of it.



  4. Absolutely - I will let you know once I've had a chance to read it. :)



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