Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Halloween the Milky Way: Simply Caramel Review + Giveaway

I am a little bit obsessed with chocolate.  Okay, that's a lie.  I am a lot obsessed.  I eat way more chocolate than I probably should, but hey...there are worse things, right?  And when you give me some sort of extra special chocolate...well, let's just say it doesn't last long around here.

My latest extra special chocolate is Milky Way Simply Caramel.  I have always been a fan of Milky Way and it's rich, nougat-y taste, but this caramel variety is delightful.  Chocolate+Caramel=the happiest mama ever.

This time of year, most people are thinking about trick-or-treating.  So here's my question: is it wrong to take my 8-month-old on a candy gathering spree when it's completely obvious to everyone that the mom - not the baby - will be consuming all the spoils?  Hm.  It's quite the dilemma.


Two My Kansas City Mommy readers will win a Milky Way Halloween Prize Package (includes 1 Tote Bag, 2 Bags of Fun-Size Milky Way Simply Caramel and 2 Bags of Fun-Size Milky Way)!  This giveaway will end on November 8 at 11:00pm CST.  This giveaway is open to US readers only.

To enter this giveaway, follow the instructions in the form below (you will need Javascript enabled to see the form and it may take a moment to load)! Once you complete the first entry (entering your name/email), the other entries will open up so that you can complete them as well!  Make sure you enter your name and e-mail address so that I can contact you if you win!  Winners will have 48 hours to respond.

All of the "extra entries" are optional.  You can do just one - or as many as you want!  You may tweet once per day.  Good luck!

Thank you to Milky Way for providing my review sample and the giveaway prize!  I received no other compensation and all views expressed are my own. For more information, you can read My Kansas City Mommy's Giveaway Policy.  Looking for more prizes to win?  Check out My Kansas City Mommy's current giveaways!

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