Friday, February 24, 2012

Who Makes You Smile? Share & Win a Trip to NYC

Who makes you smile?

If you're willing to share a photo of who makes you smile, you might win a trip to New York City!  Let me tell you - New York is a place that makes me smile!  To enter the contest, head over to

Once you're there, it's simple:

1. Click "Enter Now"
2. Upload your Photo
3. Enter your Contact Info

That's it!  You can share your photo with your Facebook friends and ask them to vote for you - the top 5 entries will be eligible for the prize drawing.  This contest ends today (2/24), but that's no reason not to enter - someone has to win and it might as well be you!  Head over and get started now.

The trip to NYC will include professional teeth whitening (wouldn't that be awesome?) and more.

Wanna know who makes me smile? 

This awesome guy, who has taken me to NYC (my dream city) three times in the last four years.

And this little dude, who greets me with a grin each morning.  (yes, he's destroyed his crib rail.  I made a cover for it and then he destroyed that too.  It's a work in progress.)
So how about it - who makes you smile?  Make sure you enter now for your chance to win!

This is a sponsored post written by me for  All opinions expressed are my own.

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