Tuesday, November 19, 2013

DIY - Lessen Scratches - Check this out! Very Impressive!

Halloween night we had huge marks show up on on our "new" table. It looks like our cat got on the table and had a little to much fun, but the marks are much thicker than her nails we're not so sure....

Today I mixed Canola Oil and White Vinegar and rubbed over the table and was pretty impressed. The solution did not take away the marks but made them blend to the table so it's not so noticeable. I'm sure that if you have scratches that are small and not a cm into the wood that this solution would completely take away scratches. Have no clue how, but really impressed. Now I've began to go over the floors and finishing dusting furniture...Love it! Once dried, I did go back over with a paper towel b/c you can see the oil marks...

What have you tried?

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